2020 Census Adult Education Campaign


In 2019, FLC received a grant from Florida Counts to run a statewide campaign to promote adult learner participation in the 2020 Census.


View the archived campaign webpage on FLC’s website: https://floridaliteracy.org/2020census.html

FLC made available 25 promotional kits containing:

Census promotional kit items

  • A full-color census promotion banner with school logo and county
  • Census information flyers and sample census forms to distribute to students
  • $100 in gift cards to support census promotion efforts
  • Florida Counts-branded aluminum water bottles for student giveaways

I designed the banners and flyers in Canva. I also designed the email below, which was then distributed to FLC’s statewide list.

I managed the assembly and shipping of the promotional kits, correspondence with the 25 recipient programs, and developed deliverables to report back to Florida Counts.

I also wrote a blog post, “2020 Census Resources for Adult Educators and Their Students”, and shared it on FLC’s social media accounts.